Jose-Maria Olazabal - Spain - 2006 Ryder Cup (P3, W3)

Photo/Foto: George Herringshaw

Date: 23 September 2006

Click on image to enlarge

      Saturday, 05 February 1966
      Fuenterrabia, Spain
  • Spain Prostate cancer charity 150 x 150 Image

Jose-Maria OLAZABAL - Spain - 2006 Ryder Cup (P3, W3)

The main photo above and the left hand inset picture show Jose Maria during the day two four balls,when he partnered his fellow Spaniard Sergio Garcia to an impressive 3&2 victory over Phil Mickelson & Chris DiMarco. The previous day the two Spaniards had performed to similar effect,recording a 3&2 win against David Toms and Brett Wetterich in the four balls. The right hand inset picture shows Olazabal in the final day singles when he defeated Phil Mickelson 2&1 to complete a superb three days for the Spaniard,who boasted a 100% record of three wins from his three matches. His sparkling performances boosted his terrific overall Ryder Cup record to 18 wins,5 halves and just 8 defeats from his 31 Ryder Cup matches.
Montgomerie/Harrington lost to Woods/Furyk (1 up)
Casey/Karlsson halved Cink/Henry
Garcia/Olazabal defeated Toms/Wetterich (3&2)
Westwood/Clarke defeated Mickelson/DiMarco (1 up)
Harrington/McGinley halved Campbell/Johnson
Howell/Stenson halved Toms/Cink
Montgomerie/Westwood halved Mickelson/DiMarco
Garcia/Donald defeated Woods/Furyk (2 up)
Casey/Karlsson halved Cink/Henry
Garcia/Olazabal defeated Mickelson/DiMarco (3&2)
Westwood/Clarke defeated Woods/Furyk (3&2)
Harrington/Stenson lost to Verplank/Johnson (2&1)
Garcia/Donald defeated Mickelson/Toms (2&1)
Montgomerie/Westwood halved Campbell/Taylor
Casey/Howell defeated Cink/Johnson (5&4)
Harrington/McGinley lost to Woods/Furyk (3&2)
Colin Montgomerie defeated David Toms (1 up)
Sergio Garcia lost to Stewart Cink (4&3)
Paul Casey defeated Jim Furyk (2&1)
Robert Karlsson lost to Tiger Woods (3&2)
Luke Donald defeated Chad Campbell (2&1)
Paul McGinley halved JJ Henry
Darren Clarke defeated Zach Johnson (3&2)
Henrik Stenson defeated Vaughn Taylor (4&3)
David Howell defeated Brett Wetterich (5&4)
Jose Maria Olazabal defeated Phil Mickelson (2&1)
Lee Westwood defeated Chris DiMarco (2 up)
Padraig Harrington lost to Scott Verplank (4&3)
EUROPE (18 1/2) defeated USA (9 1/2)